Hoarding Specialist & Speaker Michelle Quintana
Michelle Quintana is a dynamic and experienced speaker on the subjects of hoarding, chronic disorganization, and a multitude of other topics related to residential and business organizing techniques.
She has spoken at the National Association of Professional Organizers National Conferences and has taught hundreds of newer professional organizers how to effectively market their businesses to help hoarders cleanup. In 2006 Michelle was featured on Resolutions, The Lifetime Channel reality TV show, and has been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and various radio and internet talk shows. She was an honored speaker at the Women’s Small Business Symposium in Las Vegas in 2009. |
Michelle has presented her services to hundreds of real estate professionals and property managers on how to work with and manage hoarders in rental and for-sale properties using discreet but effective methodologies.
Michelle is an active and proud member of the Long Beach, California, Abundance Chapter of BNI (Business Network International). She is available to address national and local conferences with customized PowerPoint and lecture presentations to accommodate interest groups or specific needs. If you would like more specific information about hosting Michelle as a speaker at your next regional or national event, please contact her at [email protected] or 562.972.3180. |